After entirely too many years at home because I couldn't afford to move out of my parents house, I am five weeks away from moving into my own apartment! I am so giddy with the excitement that my head is spinning, and I have not gotten much sleep as a result.. oh well, I can always catch up on that later!
I have been very lucky in having access to so many yard sales and thrift shops. They have allowed me to put together a fantastic apartment with just about everything I will need except a TV. I'm sure you will all agree that they are entirely too expensive these days and if you don't get a flat screen TV ( who has the money for them?), you end up with a massively heavy CRT with a 2' bootay on it. I am NOT carrying one of those up 3 flights of stairs! What to do?? still not sure, but I'll think of something.... in the meantime, I'm telling everyone what to get me for housewarming presents! LOL
In the realm of knitting, I have been busy on just two projects lately: a pair of Trekking socks for me, and a handspun baby sweater a la EZ. It IS the patter from her almanac, and the yarn was just screaming for it. I'm sure you'll agree.
Sock and gratuitous close-up:
The colors just SCREAM summer, don't they??? I love the punches of magenta and lime, and as conservative as I usually dress, I can definitely see myself wearing these.. go figure! Here is the baby sweater yoke, it is top down and it's the second one I've made with this pattern. The first is for my little nephew due in October. No lace... but this color was screaming for it. Such a pretty color for a little girl.