Friday, March 23, 2007

The First Yummy Skein!!

Well, here is the first yummy skein. It's actually some of the bulkiest i've spun so far, and I'm loving it! I might just have to retrain myself, because this truly was instant gratification!! Now, to see if I can talk my friend into letting me play with her drum carder so I can do whole batts of this stuff!

Surprisingly, this yarn changes color depending on the time of day.. in broad daylight, it is really blue, and you can still see some highlights of that in this pic, but honest to God, it looks grey to me right now!

Just for comparison, here it is next to the blue corriedale that was part of the blend... I was so surprised, especially considering the color it was on the bobbin last night!


Peggy said...

That is wonderful!!!!! How many plys does it have? I love the color!!!! Good job!!!

Elysbeth said...

A beautiful yarn. It will go with so many things.